5GNT Toolkit:About
1 About the 5GNT Toolkit
The 5G New Thinking (5GNT) DCMS funded 5G T&T project commenced in May 2020, this will be building upon the many achievements and learnings gained from the 5G RuralFirst (5GRF) project Phase 1 and Phase 2, which ran from June 2018 up until September 2019. 5G RuralFirst demonstrated the technical feasibility of using neutral hosting and shared spectrum to deliver 5G connectivity for a range of use cases in rural areas.
5GNT aimed to develop and evaluate a rural network ‘toolkit’ (this toolkit!) to empower rural communities across the UK to develop their own sustainable mobile and wireless connectivity, using 5G technologies and strategies. Equally providing a commercial understanding to deliver a practical hands-on ‘toolkit’ that industry, Local Authority and rural communities can replicate.
In order to support and inform the development of the toolkit, a greenfield testbed network was implemented on some of the most poorly connected areas of the Orkney Islands. This testbed was designed for the purpose of running a number of representative Use Case trials which will support the test and evaluation of various aspects of 5G technologies and business models. The results and learnings fed directly into the toolkit development activities, helping to guide and inform the toolkit.
2 About the Contributors
Toolkit lead Designers, Authors and Editors: David Crawford, Kenneth Barlee
Content Structuring and Integration: Shruthi KA, Tawachi Nyasulu
Content Contributors: Greg Whitton, Nikki Linklater, Jody Neel, Paul Gilligan, Shona Croy, Laura Wilson, Bob Stewart, Barbara Sanderson, Catherine Weldon, Sarah Williams, Gavin, Yacek
DCMS Co-Funded 5G New Thinking Project Partners (May 2020 to March 2022): Cisco UKI, University of Strathclyde, CloudNet IT Solutions Ltd, Shefa/ Faroese Telecoms, Orkney Islands Council, Federated Wireless, Pure Leapfrog, Agri EPI Centre, Zoetis, University of Glasgow, University of Surrey, Bogons, BBC R&D, Borderlands Partnership, Rural Community Network, Scotland 5G Centre
Special Thanks to: Faelix Ltd, Innovate Comms